Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning

Heating Perth Homes

Heating Perth Homes is becoming very important these days. Because the winters in Perth appear to be getting colder. One of the most efficient forms of heating for your home. Is ducted reverse cycle air conditioning. The two most common types of reverse cycle air conditioning used for heating Perth homes are:

A split air conditioner is great for heating Perth homes

heating Perth homes Wall split air conditioner Perth

The Split system air conditioner is the cheapest of the 2 types above with prices starting from a $1100.00. For a fully installed system suitable for a small bedroom using a low end brand. The price would start at $1300.00 when you move up to a quality brand like Panasonic, Mitsubishi heavy industries, Daikin and Actron air. Therefore as the old saying goes you get what you pay for. Quality machines come with a standard 5 year warranty and use inverter technology these days. A word of warning ensure when you are comparing prices you are looking at the same model number. The same technology as a fixed speed split system is a lot cheaper to buy but is more expensive in running costs.

Ducted reverse cycle air conditioner

A ducted reverse cycle air conditioning system is fast becoming a popular choice for heating Perth homes. When new homes are built Perth builders offer it as a standard add on or a ducted air conditioning package. Because it is quite easy to add another $8000.00 to $12000.00 onto your home mortgage. Once again like the split system, there is a defiant difference in quality and brand of a machine in relation to dollars spent. Another consideration with a ducted reverse cycle air conditioning system is to make sure you choose the right size system and the right brand depending on your needs and the way you want to use your ducted reverse cycle air conditioning system.

The quality of your whole system is important ,using a poor quality flexible ducting or a poor quality motorised damper can affect the performance and reliability of your ducted air conditioning system. In turn make it more expensive to heat your Perth home.

The final thing to ensure you have a good experience on both price and service is do your research, Google is the perfect choice to look for a reputable air conditioning Perth company. Make sure they have a good online reputation and happy shopping if you need any more information send me an email or call me only too happy to help.

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